Bryant Fisher, MD

Bryant Fisher, MD

Bryant attended the University of Pittsburgh for his undergraduate education where he received a bachelor’s degree in the Biological Sciences. He then went on to attend the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. During medical school, Bryant worked in the Thoracic Aortic Disease Research Lab run by Julie Phillippi, PhD and Thomas Gleason, MD. He studied the role of vasa vasorum-associated pericytes in the pathogenesis of thoracic aortic aneurysm. Due to this exposure, he pursued a career in cardiothoracic surgery and applied for a position in our integrated program. He joined the Integrated Cardiothoracic program in 2019.  Bryant is interested in continuing his medical school research studying thoracic aortic aneurysm under the mentorship of Dr. Julie Phillippi. His goal is to become an academic surgeon with a focus on aortic disease.

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