Paul J. Gagne, MD, FACS, RVT

General and Vascular Surgeon

Paul J. Gagne, MD, FACS, RVT

Paul J. Gagne MD, FACS, RVT is a Board-certified general and vascular surgeon.

Dr. Gagne joined The Vascular Experts in 2007. Previously, Dr. Gagne had been a member of New York University’s Vascular Associates and New York University’s Hospitals Center, where he served as Director of the Vascular Research Laboratory. Prior to that, Dr. Gagne served in the U.S. Navy as both a general and vascular surgeon. Dr. Gagne specializes in vascular and endovascular techniques for the treatment of arterial and venous disease and is involved in a number of clinical trials.

On March 26, 2013, Dr. Gagne become the first surgeon in the State of Connecticut to implant a drug-eluting stent to reopen a blocked artery in the thigh of a person with peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

Dr. Gagne’s particular areas of interest including the endovenous repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms, treatment of carotid disease and venous disease including varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis and chronic ulcers, and peripheral artery disease. He is currently the Head of Vascular Surgery at Norwalk Hospital.

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