Glen Henry, MD, interventional cardiologist and Director of Interventional Cardiology, sits down with Habib Samady, MD, President of Georgia Heart Institute, to discuss their approach to exceptional patient care. Read More From Glen Henry, MD
I'm dr Glenn Henry. I came here as director of Cath lab and interventional cardiology. Talk to me a little bit about those patients were very advanced disease. You know. The foundations of medicine in its most basic aspect are so simple it's to feel better or live longer and anything you do really needs to contribute to one and perhaps both of those aspects you know there are are patients who have very complicated heart disease who are very symptomatic and sometimes they're told that nothing can be done or sometimes they're told it's too risky. But I think those are the patients that I love to have conversations with to find out what their goals really are. And frequently we can do things to help patients achieve those goals. Sometimes it with complex coronary interventions including opening up vessels that may have been closed for years. Sometimes it's with adjustment of medications and lifestyle and we don't need to go that far. So Glenn there's this topic of structural heart disease. Tell me a little bit about what we can offer patients with those conditions. What we're able to do now is truly amazing from a tiny little I. V. Access in the wrist in many instances were now able to do incredible things within the heart from catheters and tubes in patients vessels that don't require opening of the chest. So we've got an amazing team assembled to deal with valvular heart disease. Dr guy is an expert in minimally invasive robotic heart surgery. Um We have a great preventive cardiology service here. There is an incredible amount of research going on to treat cardiomyopathy, zOR weak heart muscles in terms of stimulation in terms of changing the geometry of the heart, changing the flow and were involved in a lot of those trials right now. I think between all of our offerings here, you know, we're on the cutting edge, we can give patients the best possible care, the least intrusive care, and it really speaks to the growth of Georgia Heart Institute.
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